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Salty licorice caramel tart

Maja Vase, 09.01.2023
Salty licorice caramel tart


125 g flour
25 g ground almonds
50 g icing sugar
75 g cold butter
3 1/3 tsp raw licorice powder
1 pinch of salt
1/2 egg
370 g caramel chocolate
200 ml double cream
150 g sugar
20 g glucose syrup
1/2 tsp salt flakes
Caramel pearls
Caramel flakes


Silky salted caramel ganache with licorice inspired by our winter favorite THE CLASSIC.

Number of servings: 10 persons

Licorice shortcrust pastry:

• 125 g flour • 25 g ground almonds • 50 g icing sugar • 75 g cold butter • 1 tsp raw licorice powder • 1 pinch of salt • 1/2 egg

Place the flour, ground almonds, icing sugar, butter, licorice powder and salt in a blender and quickly blend everything together. Bind the dough with the egg. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper and let it rest in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Line a flan tin (18-20 cm in diameter) with the pastry and prick the base with a fork. Bake the tart case for about 15 minutes at 175º until nicely golden and then let it cool completely.

Chocolate layer:

• 50 g caramel chocolate Melt the chocolate in a bain marie and then remove the pan from the heat. Brush the base of the tart case with a thin layer of chocolate and place in the fridge.

Licorice caramel ganache

• 300 g caramel chocolate • 200 ml double cream • 150 g sugar • 20 g glucose syrup • 2 tsps raw licorice powder • 1/2 tsp salt flakes Melt the chocolate in a bain marie and then remove the pan from the heat. Bring the cream to just below the boil in a pan and set aside. Gently melt the sugar to a golden caramel in another pan and immediately remove from the heat. Add the warm cream a little at a time, while stirring vigorously with a whisk. Add the glucose syrup. Pour the caramel over the chocolate, while stirring in the centre of the bowl with a rubber spatula. Continue stirring until the ganache comes together and gets beautiful and glossy. Hand blend the ganache and season with raw licorice powder and salt. Spread the ganache on the tart base and place the tart in the fridge for 3-4 hours or overnight.


• 20 g caramel chocolate • Caramel pearls • Caramel flakes • 1/3 tsp raw licorice powder

Melt the chocolate in a bain marie and then remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the melted chocolate to a freezer bag with a tiny hole in one corner, and drizzle the chocolate over the tart in a random pattern. Decorate with caramel pearls, caramel flakes and raw licorice powder.